
  • Directing ‘Journey to the Stars’ at AMNH

    It’s not often that my work at New York’s American Museum of Natural History intersects with the entertainment industry, so it was very exciting to work on a project for the Museum’s newest space show, Journey to the Stars. I had the opportunity to sit down with the show’s director, Carter Emmart, and produce a…

  • The Wrap: ABC Family’s ’10 Things’ Takes on CW Demographic

    Just last week, I stumbled upon an email invitation from my high school reunion committee. It has been 10 years since I departed Saugus High, a mostly white-bred school in an innocuous Los Angeles suburb. I’ve yet to decide if I’ll be making a trip back to California for this little shindig. There isn’t much…

  • The Wrap: Let’s Hear It For Maya Rudolph!

    Whenever I bring up leading “Saturday Night Live” ladies, nearly all of my pop culture obsessed friends proclaim Tina Fey is the best and brightest. There is no disputing that her comic writing skills are untouchable — “30 Rock” is perhaps the best comedy on TV right now. And her time on SNL yielded some…

  • The Wrap: Hey NBC, What the Chuck?

    While risks must be taken in order to cultivate quality programming, “Chuck” has had its chance. With Jay Leno’s soon to be prime-time show killing an entire hour of programming for NBC, scheduling is more important than ever. Don’t let another bag of peanuts waste precious resources…

  • The Wrap: SAG Might Kill Hollywood’s Evolution

    While SAG has all but agreed on the new-media terms of the producers’ offer, holding out any further runs the risk of stunting Hollywood’s evolution. Studios will soon have no option but to make a push for more online content, otherwise they might lose the digital demographic…

  • The Wrap: Sesame Street Needs Another Hero

    Newspapers will find their way online and network newscasts can relocate to sister cable channels, should ratings for the big three continue to fall. But when Big Bird and the gang start hurting, impressionable children might be left with few alternatives…

  • The Wrap: Re-inventing Alec Baldwin

    While Baldwin considers adding PR consultant to his resume, I’ll wait with anticipation to hear his musings on TCM of such classics as “Rocky,” “Ben-Hur” and “Cat Ballou.”

  • The Wrap: 90210 Gets Pickup… DVR Victorious

    If broadcast television wishes to remain relevant as cable channels like HBO and Showtime rack up all of the Emmys and Golden Globes, then they must fully acknowledge the viewing habits of their loyal customers. Otherwise, Hulu and other new media services will more rapidly erode the power of NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox and the…