Ken Davenport
Broadway Needs a Swift Kick in the App
It’s time for arts-related mobile apps to get micro, right down to the seat you’re sitting in, and extend the storytelling experience through second screens. Mobile app developers have pushed the boundaries of ways users can extend their experience with entertainment content.
Dreaming up Broadway’s Next Big Idea: TedxBroadway Returns
In a room full of Broadway marketers and producers, how do you sell an idea of change without a clearly defined return on investment? When it comes to TedxBroadway, it’s the big idea that turns a profit, although it’s not a dollar sign attached to the value, it’s onboarding Broadway to the idea of thinking…
Ken Davenport Wants to Democratize Broadway
Ken Davenport wants to democratize the mostly elite inner circle of Broadway producers, and he’s attempting to stir things up by reaching out to everyone for help in getting a new musical funded through the concept of crowd sourcing. Meaning, he wants you to invest a few bucks in his show. “So many people have…