The Wrap: Let’s Hear It For Maya Rudolph!
Whenever I bring up leading “Saturday Night Live” ladies, nearly all of my pop culture obsessed friends proclaim Tina Fey is the best and brightest. There is no disputing that her comic writing skills are untouchable — “30 Rock” is perhaps the best comedy on TV right now. And her time on SNL yielded some…
Conan O’Brien Debuts, Tweet by Tweet
As Conan O’Brien kicked off his first week hosting The Tonight Show, I decided to live Twitter the debut. From a marathon run from New York City to Los Angeles, President Barack Obama putting world policy debates on hold to discuss Conan, Gwyneth Paltrow inadvertently bad mouthing Coldplay to Ryan Seacret gaying up late night,…
Sofa Snark – Boom Goes LOST & Gossip Girl Graduates
My Sofa Snark video blog has been on a bit of a hiatus these last few weeks, but with most of prime-time shuttering for the summer, I decided to wrap up the juiciest finales. I also revamped the webisode with a new look. Let me know what you think. This week’s Sofa Snark covers the…
U2 Approved Night of American Idol
We don’t need another hero, but America certainly craves another pop idol. After all, the world would be a grim place without Ruben Studdard around. Simon Cowell already weighed in, on Oprah, saying Adam Lambert deserves to win. And we all know that anything said on the “O” show becomes this country’s mantra. So Adam…
American Idol Goes Rock of Ages
Adam Lambert hit rock bottom last week, or at least the bottom three, as America proved it is still incapable of voting with any sense of logic, mostly. It’s about as big of an accident as the one Ryan Seacrest alluded to during the opening of Tuesday’s “American Idol.” The set was falling, and it…
Bono and George Clooney Talk Shop on CNN
As a big U2 fan, it should come as no shock that I find most of what Bono does extremely fascinating, be it his straight forward music work to championing causes for the third world. His activist role causes some frustration amongst the music-only crowd, with “fans” yelping at concerts anytime Bono breaks into a…
Regis and Kelly Take on Broadway
I had a chance to stop by ABC Studios earlier this week to produce a video feature with “Live with Regis and Kelly” as the show is in the middle of airing “On Broadway Week.” Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa have been highlighting shows including “Mary Poppins,” “Billy Elliot,” “West Side Story,” “Shrek The Musical”…
Jaime Foxx Gets Gangster with Adam Lambert
There might just be another flaw in “American Idol’s” ivory tower of reality competition schlock. Looks like iTunes accidentally leaked the number of downloads each performer earned. Could the finale consist of Adam Lambert and Kris Allen? One of the two does not belong. Five contestants remain, yet somehow the show found a way to…
Adam Lambert’s Disco Fever on American Idol
This season of “American Idol” has been full of gimmicks, and last week showcased the worst one of all. The judges’ choice. Simon Cowell decided to save Matt Giraud, and I single out Simon because his is the only opinion of any value. Sorry Paula Abdul. Then there was the addition of another judge, basically…
Sofa Snark – Lost vs Star Wars & Tori Spelling
Until the TV gods weigh in, let’s enjoy this week’s Sofa Snark. “Lost” rips off Star Wars, Tori Spelling returns to “90210,” “In Treatment” is back on HBO and the producers of “ER” bring you “Southland.” Other shows covered this week include “Tracey Ullman’s State of the Union,” “The Tudors,” “Heroes,” “The Unusuals” and “Better…