Zachary Quinto TwitPic Heard Around the Web

Have I finally turned into a creature so vile that I typically can’t stand to look at? The dreaded and oh-so-annoying Hollywood enemy, the paparazzi. If you happen to spot a picture of ‘Heroes‘ and ‘Star Trek’ star Zachary Quinto watching U2’s concert in Los Angeles last week and thought, “who would snap such an unwelcome photo of a celebrity?” I will man up and admit that it was me. (PopWrap | Just Jared | | | DailyZQPhoto)

Yes, the man who has no desire to ever be a celebrity hound, nonchalantly uploaded a couple photos of Quinto and an unnamed “guy pal” to Twitter. And that photo wound up hitting the web before the concert was out.

At first I felt bad about it and wondered if Quinto would check his iPhone — which he was using to take photos of the concert — and see a picture of his backside then realize it was me that took it. That would have been an awkward glance back.

Seeing how I already invaded Qunito’s privacy with a Twitpic or two, I won’t reveal whether or not I saw him partaking in a little something that was getting passed around by the surrounding concertgoers. I still need to get the smell out of my jacket.

On a side note, congratulations to U2 for making YouTube history with the most watched streaming event on the video hosting website. As always, the concert was amazing — especially live and in person.

Zachary Quinto at U2 Zachary Quinto and Guy Pal